Committed by nature
We want to continue to be a sustainable company committed to a responsible business

Reducing our plastic consumption
We have increased the references that contain recycled material (rPET) in their structures to the 1L, 2L and 5L Borges bottles, achieving a saving of 383Tn of plastic not introduced to the market.
↓ Annual tons
use of recycled plastic
We certify our estates with GLOBAL GAP
Committed to ensure sustainable, responsible agriculture and correct use of water, we certify our plantations with Global GAP good farming practice standards and adhere to the EsAgua platform.
ha. certified

ha. certified

We use certified renewable energy
renewable energy in the Group
tons of CO₂ prevented
We calculate our CO₂ emissions

We have a highly efficient cogeneration plant

We contribute to the EU CO₂ emission reduction targets
We are committed to a sustainable investment
We formalized a sustainable loan whose conditions are linked to the evolution of the environmental impact in our industrial production thus incorporating ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) sustainability criteria in the group’s financial structure.
We work to make use of our sub products
Tons of seed flour for animal feed
Tons of almond shells for biomass
Tons of olive pits for biomass
Tons of almond skin for animal feed

We are committed to a healthy working environment
↓ glasses per year
↓ tons of plastic

Smoke-free company
We encourage biodiversity on our estates
- We introduce natural pollinators*
- We devote 167 hectares to environmental measures
- Biodiversity Action Plan on the Finca Mas de Colom

We offer a healthy alternative to saturated fats

We promote organic and healthy products
The ECO NATURA range offers only basic products of the Mediterranean diet, which meet the standards of organic farming and which are produced and distributed in a sustainable way.